essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self.”
with dementia are often confronted with what they are no longer able to do or
understand. In turn, the Montessori principles are designed to focus on what
they are still capable of doing. This person-centered way to approach dementia
focuses on the person's capabilities, grabbing their interest, and showing them
respect. All Montessori principles have been designed to work with a certain
type of memory (implicit or procedural), that is less affected by dementia.
Implementing the practices of Montessori with older adults with dementia has
also been shown to increase engagement in activities and positive moods.
We know that people with dementia need structure and order in
their environment and activities, and often become upset when changes are made
to their surroundings. The Montessori principles supports this desire of
structure in that the materials are taken from the everyday environment and
each lesson/ task is taught at its simplest level. Additionally, using the
Montessori approach with people with dementia has been useful in assessing
their cognitive, motor, and sensory functioning as well as social skills.